Just last Wednesday, a couple friends and I drove over to the Rinoceropolis in Denver to see Teengirl Fantasy and pictureplane. It sure was surreal to see Oberlin people and Colorado people integrating and enjoying each other's music. If you're in Denver and have a chance to check out a show at Rinoceropolis, I say GO FOR IT. The place is brimming with art to look at, people to talk to, music to listen to... The neighborhood wasn't totally legit, but I think that made the place even more charming.A noise master from Tijuana/San Diego called Kixly worked his magic before Teengirl Fantasy came on. Although it wasn't everyone's cup of tea, and many people ended up leaving, I was very impressed by his ability to combine looped and manipulated clicks with much broader sounds, like the deep impact of drums or even wordless breaths. I was pretty transfixed through the whole performance as Kixly's waves of sound made my fanny pack vibrate against my hip as thoughts of empty space and cluttered rooms drifted around in my mind.
The Teengirl Fantasy live experience was even better than I had gotten used to at Oberlin. Whether this was because there was actually room to dance, or if they have gotten better since I last saw them (how is this possible?), I am not sure. The crowd response was insane, and the set seemed to end as soon as it began. Tracks that stood out to me as exceptional were "hoopdreams" (mp3) and "Gasmaskk" (mp3) but the usual favorite - ""Portofino" (mp3) - was also bomb. I bought their CD at the show (with a handmade case!), and I must say that it has been quite infectious. Dance music and IDM have been too separated for too long. Artists like Apparat, Crystal Castles, and now Teengirl Fantasy have been at once offering catchy dance music and experimenting with new sounds, new combinations of instruments and electronics previously not thought of as instruments, interesting loops, and unpredictable-but-groovy beats. With all the hype already surrounding this electronic duo, I can't imagine the caliber of TGF-powered dance parties at Oberlin three years from now...
pictureplane was, as I remember, your more typical electro show (which I, of course, loved), complete with several remixes (of Crystal Castles and JT), which ended up being a couple of the best tracks. Here's my favorite pictureplane original, which I feel exemplifies the sound. I can see them going places. If you're in the Rinoceropolis neighborhood for a show, chances are you'll see them, and you'll probably love it.
"Day Glowwed" - (mp3)****Plz keep in mind that you can download most of Teengirl Fantasy's bitchin' EP on their Myspace (lnked above).
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